The Difference Between Western and Vedic Astrology

There are some key differences to these two types of star-gazing astrology. Neither one is incorrect or going to give you false readings and they are not established to compete with each other. Here are some of the key differences between the two types of readings.
Western Astrology (in a nutshell)
focus on- THE SUN
This type of constellation reading is the one most familiar to us. Our birthdate specifically determines which of the twelve zodiac signs we are associated with. While the stars and the planets in our solar system are used for readings. The readings start from our perspective from earth into the cosmos. Think of your zodiac sign as a pretty direct line from earth and up.
Most people know their western zodiac sign. This sign is known as your "sun sign". There is also a "moon sign", "rising sign" , and "12 houses" that represent your personality traits- both the ones you outwardly show the world and the ones you keep more internally. The planets, the moon, and the stars all effect your moon, rising, and 12 house signs based on where they land on a map at the specific time and date of your birth.
For anyone who interprets western astrology as "a more simplistic version" may you hold your tongue! It is clearly a complicated and involved reading than you may have thought. The more you know about the time and place of when you took your first breath the more a trained western astrologer will be able to tell you about yourself.
Vedic Astrology (as "in a nutshell" as possible)
focus on- THE MOON
Vedic astrology has a tendency to flip your western zodiac readings on its head. While they use the same 12 basic zodiac signs, Vedic astrology starts its readings from a more outwardly perspective involving the planets instead of the placement of the stars from earth's perspective (also known as the "sidereal system). As opposed to focusing on your sun sign, Vedic astrology focuses primarily on your rising sign. People magazine also notes: Vedic astrology factors in the procession of the equinox. Therefore, one day is approximately 23 hours, 56 minutes and six seconds.The procession of equinox accounts for the Earth rotating within a galaxy, which is also rotating which therefore makes the Vedic year approximately 20 minutes longer than a Western year. That seems like a minor difference in the typical 24-hour day, but can make a big difference when charting your time in space.
Where you are likely used to seeing western astrology mapped out in a circular fashion the Vedic system is represented as a square. There is still a 12 section divide in the square. If you are used to following a circular chart to find which houses your personality traits fall into Vedic astrology is more complicated and more specific. To put it simply- there are literally more moving parts at play that are taken into consideration. In addition to the four elements Vedic will also look at your kama (pleasure), dharma (righteousness), moksha (liberation), and artha (economic values).
Vedic has the additional ability to predict specific days in the future where you should maybe take a gamble on something you were on the fence about, or when someone close to you will betray you. If charted you will also find out other things to look for like lucky numbers, colors, and metals. Your chart will also tell you which months, days of the week, planets, and numbers to avoid.
By now your head may be exploding, and that is totally fair! Vedic astrology is very specific and very personal. It can be seen as overwhelming with all the information to take in, but there is power in knowing your place in the universe!
When choosing someone to read your charts (both western and Vedic) always make sure that person is trusted and experienced. There is so much information that is going to be given to you so it also makes a difference if the reader gives you paperwork or something to take home to reference. Again, it makes sense to emphasize that neither astrological reading is "wrong" or "inaccurate". They both take different approaches to viewing you life and future. Trust the process and you will find what you need.